The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for International Students



Embarking on a journey of higher education is an exhilarating prospect for any student. However, for international students, this adventure often comes with financial challenges that can seem insurmountable. Enter the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, a beacon of hope for those seeking to broaden their horizons through education.

Understanding the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Origin and Purpose

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, established by the U.S. Department of State, aims to support undergraduate students with limited financial means to pursue academic studies or internships abroad. This initiative traces its roots back to the visionary leadership of Benjamin A. Gilman, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives who ardently advocated for international education as a catalyst for mutual understanding and global cooperation.

Named After a Visionary

This scholarship, bearing the name of Benjamin A. Gilman, serves as a tribute to his unwavering commitment to fostering cross-cultural exchanges and breaking down barriers to international education. Gilman’s legacy lives on through the countless opportunities provided to students who dream of studying or interning abroad.

Empowering Global Citizens

By providing financial assistance to students from diverse backgrounds, the Gilman Scholarship aims to promote diversity and inclusion in international education, ultimately cultivating a new generation of globally-minded leaders. Through their experiences abroad, Gilman Scholars not only enrich their own academic pursuits but also contribute to the broader tapestry of cultural exchange and understanding.

Eligibility Criteria

Academic Requirements

Applicants must meet stringent academic criteria to qualify for the Gilman Scholarship, ensuring that recipients are poised to excel academically while representing their home institutions on the global stage. This emphasis on academic excellence underscores the scholarship’s commitment to supporting deserving students who demonstrate exceptional promise in their chosen fields of study.

Financial Need

Preference is given to students with demonstrated financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This prioritization of financial need ensures that the Gilman Scholarship reaches those who may otherwise be unable to pursue international opportunities due to economic barriers, thereby democratizing access to global education.


Destination and Duration

Students must carefully consider their choice of destination and duration when applying for the Gilman Scholarship, as these factors play a crucial role in the selection process. By encouraging applicants to explore non-traditional destinations and commit to immersive experiences abroad, the scholarship fosters a spirit of adventure and cultural discovery among recipients.

Diversity Emphasis

The Gilman Scholarship places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion, prioritizing applications from students from underrepresented backgrounds. By actively seeking out applicants from minority groups, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities, the scholarship program seeks to amplify diverse voices and perspectives in the realm of international education.

Application Process

Preparing Your Application

Preparing a successful Gilman Scholarship application requires meticulous attention to detail and careful planning. Applicants must gather a variety of documents, including academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a proposed budget outlining the anticipated expenses of their study or internship abroad.

Crafting a Compelling Essay

Central to the Gilman Scholarship application is the requirement to submit a compelling essay that articulates the applicant’s academic and career aspirations, as well as the significance of their chosen destination. This essay serves as a window into the applicant’s motivations, aspirations, and potential impact as a Gilman Scholar.

Financial Planning

As part of the application process, applicants must provide detailed information about their financial situation and how the Gilman Scholarship would alleviate financial barriers to their international experience. This financial planning component ensures that scholarship funds are allocated to those with the greatest need, maximizing the program’s impact.

Submitting Your Application

Once all components of the application have been carefully prepared, applicants must submit their materials through the Gilman Scholarship website before the specified deadline. Timeliness and attention to detail are paramount, as late or incomplete applications may not be considered for funding.


Selection Process

Review by Experts

Upon submission, applications undergo a rigorous review process by a panel of experts in international education and scholarship administration. These reviewers assess each application holistically, considering factors such as academic merit, financial need, and the potential impact of the proposed international experience.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications are evaluated based on a comprehensive set of criteria designed to identify the most deserving candidates for the Gilman Scholarship. Academic excellence, financial need, the significance of the proposed international experience, and the applicant’s potential to contribute to their field and community are among the key factors considered during the selection process.

Notification of Awards

Successful applicants are notified of their awards via email and are required to accept or decline the scholarship within a specified timeframe. This notification marks the beginning of an exciting journey for recipients, who must then fulfill the requirements outlined by the Gilman Scholarship program to access and utilize their funds.

Utilizing the Scholarship

Disbursement of Funds

Upon acceptance of the scholarship, funds are typically disbursed directly to the student’s home institution to cover eligible expenses related to their study or internship abroad. This streamlined disbursement process ensures that scholarship recipients have the financial resources they need to pursue their international aspirations.

Fulfilling Program Requirements

Recipients must fulfill all requirements outlined by the Gilman Scholarship program, including maintaining full-time enrollment, participating in required pre-departure and re-entry activities, and adhering to any reporting obligations. These requirements are designed to support recipients throughout their international experiences and ensure that they derive maximum benefit from the scholarship program.

Engaging with the Gilman Community

As part of the Gilman Scholarship experience, recipients are encouraged to engage with the vibrant community of Gilman Scholars and alumni. Networking events, mentorship programs, and community service initiatives provide opportunities for recipients to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and contribute to the broader mission of the scholarship program.


Impact and Opportunities

Transformative Experiences

For many recipients, the Gilman Scholarship represents more than just financial support—it is a gateway to transformative experiences that shape their personal and professional trajectories. Immersed in new cultures and academic environments, Gilman Scholars gain valuable insights, skills, and perspectives that enrich their lives and prepare them for future success.

Building Bridges Across Cultures

Through their international experiences, Gilman Scholars serve as cultural ambassadors, fostering mutual understanding and forging meaningful connections between people from diverse backgrounds. By engaging with local communities, collaborating with international peers, and embracing cultural exchange, scholars play a vital role in building bridges across cultures and promoting global harmony.

Empowering Future Leaders

By investing in the education of promising students from all walks of life, the Gilman Scholarship program empowers a diverse cadre of future leaders. Equipped with global perspectives, cross-cultural competencies, and a commitment to positive change, Gilman Scholars are poised to tackle the complex challenges facing our interconnected world with empathy, resilience, and innovation.


The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship stands as a testament to the power of education to transcend borders and transform lives. By providing financial support and fostering diversity in international education, the Gilman Scholarship paves the way for a brighter, more interconnected future.


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